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Basic Winery Lab Setup

Basic Winery Lab Setup

Quantity Item

Total Titration Assembly

Our Price: $155.35

Total Titratable Acidity Assembly

Our Price: $39.05
Item Options

Available Options

Iodine Method For SO2 Assembly

Our Price: $136.55

Malolactic Chromatography Assembly

Our Price: $104.65


Our Price: $468.75

Capacity is 2610g. x 0.1g. Stainless Steel pan.

Our Price: $235.70

Brush Assortment (7 total)

Our Price: $57.25

(Weight 100g)

Our Price: $67.00

(Weight 200g)

Our Price: $72.55

Glass Beakers 1ea of 8 Capacities (50, 100, 150, 250, 400, 600, 800ml & 1 Liter)

Our Price: $73.30


Our Price: $37.70

Oakton 700 Benchtop pH Meter Compact footprint is over 40% smaller than other benchtop meters Large display permits easier readout viewing Datalogging allows you to store and recall up to 100 data sets.

Our Price: $1,179.65

Pipet, Wide Opening, Glass

Our Price: $32.35

Mask, Acidic/Organic Vapor

Our Price: $38.05

Graduated Cylinder

Our Price: $20.40

Polypropylene Beakers with Handle - 3 ea of 250ml & 500ml

Our Price: $30.45

Wash Bottle Assortment 1 ea of 125, 250 & 500ml 170-3602 - 125ml 170-3605 - 250ml 170-3612 - 500ml

Our Price: $16.60

Thermometer,Glass, Organic

Our Price: $18.75

Graduated Cylinder

Our Price: $92.55

Cylinder, Hydrometer, Glass 2” x 12”

Our Price: $20.55

Spoon/Spatula Stainless Steel

Our Price: $6.90

Stainless Steel Scoop with Wood Handle

Our Price: $9.20

Hydrometer, Brix - Set of 4 (-5/5) (0/12) (9/21) (19/31)

Our Price: $158.60

Hydrometer w/Thermometer - (0/30 Brix)

Our Price: $61.90

pH Buffer Solution, pH 4.00+/-0.01pH - (16 oz)

Our Price: $15.75

pH Buffer Solution, pH 7.00+/-0.01pH - (16 oz)

Our Price: $15.75

pH Buffer Solution, pH 8.2, 16oz

Our Price: $15.75

pH Buffer Solution, pH 10.00+/-0.01pH - (16 oz)

Our Price: $15.75

Funnels - Conical (3) and Powder (3)

Our Price: $46.50

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