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Monroe, WA
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Fehling from AWS
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#050-9651 - Sodium Carbonate Solution 20% (w/v)
Sodium Carbonate Solution 20% (w/v) 32oz
#170-3897 - Folin-Ciocalteau Reagent
Folin-Ciocalteau Reagent 125ml
#050-4231 - Fehling A - (16 oz)
Fehling A - (Cupric Sulfate Solution) Shelf Life:Until Significant precipitate forms.
#250-3468 - Gallic Acid Monohydrate ACS
Gallic Acid Monohydrate ACS 50g
#050-4238 - Fehling A - (32 oz)
#050-4203 - Fehling B - (16 oz)
Fehling B - (Alkaline Tartrate Solution)
#050-4210 - Fehling B - (32 oz)