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Sulfide Detection/Copper Addition Kit (#170-3353)

Sulfide Detection/Copper Addition Kit (#170-3353)

Quantity Item

Ascorbic Acid 1% 1oz. (1/ea.)

Our Price: $7.10

Sulfide Detection/Copper Addition Kit

Our Price: $30.95

Cadmium Sulfate 0.05%,2oz. (1/ea.)

Our Price: $5.50

Pipet Sero. 1ml Disp.(1ml)(each)(NOTE: A qty of three (3) ea are needed if purchasing for the following assembly: #170-3353)

Our Price: $1.00

Copper Sulfate 0.05% 1oz. (1/ea.)

Our Price: $5.65

Copper Sulfate 1% 4oz. (1/ea.)

Our Price: $7.20

Instructions (1/ea.)

Our Price: $2.50

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions