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Tubing, Connectors, Plastic

Tubing, Connectors, Plastic

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#031-0905 - Tubing, Connectors, Plastic  -  (Y-Tube)

All have a 5/16" OD (NOTE: a qty. of two (2) ea are needed if you are purchasing for the following assembly: #170-3598)

Our Price: $3.20
#031-4169 - Tubing, Connectors, Plastic  -  (Quick Disconnect)

All have a 5/16" OD (NOTE: a qty. of two (2) ea are needed if you are purchasing for the following assembly: #170-3598)

Our Price: $3.20
#031-5689 - Tubing, Connectors, Plastic  -  (Straight)

All have a 5/16" OD

Our Price: $3.20
#035-2537 - Tubing, Connectors, Plastic  -  (T-Tube)

All have a 5/16" OD

Our Price: $4.75

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions